Lehre & Forschung

Gerne informieren wir Sie über die aktuellen Studien des Stroke Centers.


Capsaicin for post-stroke dysphagia (CADYS). The aim of this multicenter, randomizes, double-blind study is to examine the effect of Capsaicin treatment in the setting of (sub-)acute stroke, compared to placebo.

Status: current


EnDovascular therapy plus best medical treatment (BMT) versus BMT alone for MedIum VeSsel Occlusion sTroke - a prAgmatic, international, multicentre, randomized triaL (DISTAL)

Status: current


Enhancement of Stroke Rehabilitation with Levodopa (ESTREL): a randomized placebo-controlled Trial.

Status: current


The present trial is addressing the question if a biologically distinct subgroup of ischemic stroke patients without known atrial fibrillation at admission, selected by a cut-off level of MRproANP concentration, which represents a underlying increased risk of cardiac thrombogenicity, benefits from direct oral anticoagulation (DOAC) versus antiplatelets as preventive treatment.

MidregiOnal proatrial natriuretic peptide to guide Secondary Stroke prevention: The MOSES Study

Status: current


A multicenter, international, randomized, placebo controlled, double-blind, parallel group and event driven Phase 3 study of the oral FXIa inhibitor asundexian (BAY 2433334) for the prevention of ischemic stroke in male and female participants aged 18 years and older after an acute non-cardioembolic ischemic stroke or high-risk TIA

Status: current

Swiss Stroke Registry (SSR)

Schweizweite Datenbank zum akuten Schlaganfall.

Status: current


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